Reisfields NYC


Regular price $35.00
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Reisfields NYC


Regular price $35.00
Unit price
8.4 oz.

Scent Notes

Rose Geranium, Pink Peppercorns, Plum, Labdanum


Ingredients: Himalayan Pink Sea Salt, Epsom Salt, Rose Petal Powder, Rosehip Powder, Yogurt Powder, Rose Clay, Moroccan Argan Seed Oil, Essential Oil Blend, Rose Petals, Hibiscus Petals, Jasmine Flowers


Pour desired amount into a hot bath. Allow the blend to dissolve and then ease into the water. Enjoy for at least 20 minutes.


Fragrance House: Reisfields
Founded: 2016
Artisan: Reis Chester
Disciplines: Perfumer & Photographer
Bio: Reisfields NYC is a black and queer cultural & lifestyle design lab created to offer an artisan line of handcrafted and curated pieces for your home and personal enjoyment. Their mission is to learn, create, collaborate, and deliver high quality guilt-free products and experiences. Their self-care blends are made in small-batches out of a love for botanicals, various earth elements, and the purity of peace of mind designed for sensual enjoyment, physical radiance, and overall vitality.

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